Sunday, June 13, 2010

10 Things for 10 years of marriage

I had my ten year wedding anniversary at end of May. My wife and I sat down to write down ten things that we have learned in ten years of marriage. I didn't really get to thinking about how much an accomplishment ten years of marriage were. Until, I started thinking about some of my childhood friends. One friend has gotten two separate women pregnant without marrying either, another friend has been divorced at least twice, and the rest are working on at least their second marriages or recently single. So, maybe ten years is the exception not the rule anymore. Here is the list that we came up with:

How to Survive the First Ten Years

1. Honesty is the best quality- be honest about everything.
2. Shared hobbies are good, but separate hobbies are even better.
3. Don't move furniture together. Get your friends to help or hire someone you
don't want the headache.
4. If you want something done your way do it yourself.
5. Try to avoid interruptions to your lovemaking.
6. Make time for each other everyday. Just saying, "I love you" can be enough.
7. Spur each other on to greatness without nagging.
8. Expect that you will each change over time.
9. Dream together about life after kids.


If you have some more rules that got your marriage through ten years or more (even better). Please leave them as a comment, email, or Facebook comment.

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