Sunday, October 24, 2010

This Blog was Brought to you By the Committee for the Other Guy

When my fireplace began to fill up with all the political fliers that had been mailed to my house I began to wish we never had elections.  I even wish that we could elect our politicians to longer terms so that their political debates would not interrupt an episode of "The Good Guys" (my current favorite).  I am not a political moron.  I listen to the "Political Junkie" on "Talk of the Nation" whenever I can.  I just don't want to hear another junk ad on why Bennett shouldn't be re-elected.  I knew who was going to get my vote even before the year started.  What I didn't know was how I was going to vote for County Coroner or for Colorado University Board of Regents. 

I want to hear for those candidates.  I want to see a debate from candidate A and B about why they would be the best city councilman for my district.  Maybe in your city this kind of things happens.  But I doubt most of us know who's running for county sheriff unless we work closely with that agency.  These politicians have the most impact on me.  My state congressman or senator could vote to take away my job or do away with the funding for my patrol cars.  This year as I voted my Queen told me about the two candidates for county coroner.  The incumbent is a medical doctor with years of experience doing the job of a medical examiner.  His opponent is a politician without any medical credentials.  That would have been nice to learn in a debate or simply a get to know the candidate. 

I want to hear from the candidates that matter to me.  The ones who might examine my corpse when I die or the one who makes decisions on how many cars I can park in front of my house.  Let's hear from you guys and gals.  Let you candidacy by heard so that next time I have to vote between you or the name below you I don't have to flip a coin.