Sunday, April 04, 2010

It's been a while since I wrote anything

I think that I missed the whole month of March blogging. Life got in the way of having any free time to write. We got a dog for my son which brought a whole new set of issues with it. I love the dog and so does the rest of the family. He is really big and a tad bit unpredictable at this stage. We've had some scares, but we seem to be getting back into the swing of life with a really big dog.

To top that event in my life, my wife was involved in an accident. She was not at fault at all but having never been involved in accidents we were a bit at a loss. Insurance is great until your trying to get your questions answered. My insurance company was great and answered all my questions, but the other guys insurance seemed not be able to return my phone calls.

I guess it is time though to put all these events behind my though. I really have let my writing suffer as a result of my life getting in the way. I feel that I could have done better. Even a sentence would have showed some more commitment to this project than I've shown in the last few weeks. There is no going back though. I plan to continue this goal of trying to blog every week for the entire year. I like the idea because it gets my creativity flowing. I feel more like myself when I do this than any other time during the week. So, God give me a renewed spirit I hope to carry me a little bite further.

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