Sunday, December 26, 2010

Pixelated Xmas Memories

Everyone is a Hero
It's been a great holiday season.  I don't normally feel this way at the end of the Thanksgiving to Christmas season.  I usually am the Grinchy one at the holiday party.  I am not a people person.  During the holidays, I have a (what seems un-ending) list of parties and charity events to attend.  I have gotten so overwhelmed I have trouble cooking a simple breakfast for my princes and princesses.  I should have figured out by now why I get so grumpy during holidays.  It's was only this year that I took an inward look at myself.  I asked God and myself why cannot I keep from the grumpy feelings. 

 I simply needed to recharge myself more often through quiet, alone time.  I took our dog for a walk this morning to the library.  It was fabulous.  I walked some of my frustrations out.  I really wish I had some cold weather bike gear.  I know that I would drain all my grumpy out on the trails. 
Youngest Prince at the Movies
Oldest Prince at the Movies

To continue, I had a good holiday.  I didn't really expect anything from any of my relatives this year.  I know that my expectations have caused me anguish in the past (I'm not proud to admit that).  I didn't expect anyone would get me much this year because of the economy.  My attitude really helped me focus of the givers rather than the gifts.  I was much happier that way.  I also really tried to put some thought into the gifts I gave this year.  When I really try to think about the person whom I giving the gift to I come up with more meaningful gifts.  This year's Christmas surely will stick out to in my memory.  I will end with some photos of my nephew at our big Christmas celebration.

That's all I have to say for now, God please bless us this year and next.

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