I am sitting here listening to Coldplay's Yellow. I am in a mood tonight. We had to finally admit this weekend that we had jumped in over our heads with the dog. He has bitten at least all the children and nearly attack some of the girls friends. I don't know why I thought this would work out. I really wasn't thinking about how big a dog a Saint Bernard was. I also wasn't admitting that I had become the dog's master not my son. The whole point for having this dog was so that my son might have a companion.
Why do good intentions go so wrong? I really started out with the best of intentions. I wanted this only for my son. But within a day or so this dog was not his but it was mine. I was being selfish. I have always wanted a dog. Especially, a dog that was just mine. A childhood fantasy of mine maybe, but it's not right that take away my son's chances just to give myself something. So now it's over. I have a heavy heart. I know that the next time we try this experiment it must only be about my son. I need to let him pick out the dog. He needs to be it's master not me.