Monday, December 04, 2006

Living American

In the end, did the writers of the constitution really ever envision the size that America would grow to. I sure that they might have had lofty goals, but did they think that the nation that they founded would grow to encompass most of continent? And yet some how we as Americans have chosen to stay with the ideals and laws that were present in the founding of our nation. We have had 1 civil war in over 200 years as a nation. In my life time the numbers of civil wars and ethnic conflicts around the world has many times dwarfed that. The nation has had many conflicts and civil unrest has not been uncommon. But ever time the rule of our laws has been restored and peace was maintained. Not always to the benefit of ever group but to the credit of our nation we have tried to make things right for all groups.

Diversity is both the strength that builds us up and the disease that tears us down. Ever time that I travel to another part of the country I remind myself that I am going into an entire new culture. Things can be as different as night and day from one end of the country to the other. North to South and East to West we have built ourselves a version how we think life should be lived. We have our own issues and problems. We solve them in unique ways. But you can still travel from New York to Los Angeles and find the same basic identity in everyone you meet.

But when you travel you see also that diversity can be harmful. Those without the means to buy the best can be ignored and hated. Difference of skins or language could mean the difference between life and death on the streets of some cities. More importantly though diversity can become a cause that drives peoples apart rather than together. Diversity only works when we are willing to accept that even though we may be different we still have something similar at the core. When a group says that they don't have the similarity at the core then they start to tear apart a nation.