Monday, March 07, 2011

A sad day for cars

I have sad news to report. Today, I hit a patch of black ice on my route to work. I spun out and hit the concrete divider and ended up in the ditch on the side of the road. I am alright but my neck is sore. My poor car doesn't seem to have fared as well. So, it looks like I will be driving the Ranchero till I get myself a new ride.
E.L. Wilson

Sunday, March 06, 2011

Emotional Fuel Tank

I am sorry to report that this week has drained my emotional fuel tank.  I have been working really hard, and I really don't have anything left today.  I don't think this next week is going to be any easier.  If you haven't looked at my Ride of The Week section click on the blog title to check it out. 

Thank you for viewing my blog.  Please comment and subscribe, I hope to have something more substantial next week.