Sunday, May 23, 2010

Where is the Church?

"Now you get to be the Church where ever you go." That is a quote from my pastor that I wrote down in my Bible this morning. I was immediately intrigued by this quote, because I began think about all the frustration and anger that I had gone through while being the Men's Ministry leader at my old church. I had come into the position with a vision all my own. That vision quickly got over shadowed by the whims of others in the church. I never was able to get back to what I wanted out of the ministry.

But taking the previous quote to heart, I came to realize that God was whispering in my ear the beginnings of an idea. What if I could start my own men's ministry from home? What would be wrong with that? Why would I have to have endorsement of a church to start something so near and dear to my heart. The answer to all my questions is that I could get it done if I truly wanted to do it. I am confident God would bless the ministry. The hardest part now is getting from the idea stage to the doing stage. So many great ideas don't ever get to the doing stage because it is so much easier to dream. I hope that I can make my idea a reality though and be able to share the experience with others.

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