Monday, April 04, 2011

Spring Broke

When I see the budding of flowers amongst the dead leaves from last fall I know spring is here.  These between seasons are my favorite seasons.  I love the death of fall and the rebirth of spring.  My best memories come from these seasons.

This is the best I can do at this point with coming up with a blog for this week.  Spring break has broken me.  I am really tired from working nights the last few days.  My kids had spring break before the school district where I work had their spring break.  So the kids got to stay home with my wife and drive her crazy.

I feel like this last two weeks has put a haze on me.  I cannot really think clearly about anything.  I am hoping this will pass.  I am getting frustrated with my blog because I feel like I cannot write anything.  I really want to make each post read well but sometimes I just don't have it in me.  I am hoping this week I can find more motivation.  My wife is calling me to her side so that's all I have to say for now.  Please comment and subscribe.

1 comment:

Katy said...

Sorry to hear that... I bet the slump will pass... all you need is a LONG, LONG run or a BIG BIG cigar. ;)