Seems simple right? When God says "go" you go to do the thing that the Lord sent you to do. Problem is what to do when you feel God calling you to Uganda to help out children and children soldiers in a war torn country. What about your four children? Who do go with? Do we go alone?
That is where I am tonight. Full of questions and no answers. I feel like I am killing the wonder of God's call with all of my questions. I want to be like the disciples and leave this lifestyle behind like they did. I would do it if I didn't have this family tying me down, right. No, I don't think that I could do this if it were not for my wife showing me her great compassion for the children of Uganda. This call is for all my family. I need to think about that when I want to pick up and go. I wanted to make a packed with God to take away my career if he wants me to go. My wife pointed out that might not be the way God wants to go about this. Taking away my career doesn't really help us with the monthly expenses that we need to take care of between now and when we go. I should remember that I always have a tendency to rush into something without thinking it out. My prayer is that God would open my eyes to what ways he needs me to help out the children of Uganda. What does he want to do with my career? And what does he have planned for my family and I?
Hi there Eric. I'm glad to read your blogs.
What exactly is the Lord's calling? I feel how you have God's deep compassion for those children. I've had similar personal struggles as you described here. As I read this blog (keep in mind I'm in parent-to-be mode!)I thought that one important thing we can do is to teach this deep compassion to our children. Help them understand how blessed they are and how to have mercy and love toward those less fortunate. If we can't directly help those kids of Uganda ourselves, maybe we can at least learn a lesson from them and teach it to our children. As those children die each day from war and starvation, we can ensure that they will never be forgotten. Maybe one of our kids will one day have the calling to actually go and be actively involved. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on it. Makes me think. :)
Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.
Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.
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